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Understanding, Directly Experiencing and Applying Causality of the whole and it's parts
Facilitates Improvement
Understanding the specific conditions that cause another specific condition & ability to strengthen or weaken specific conditions
e.g., Causes for Suffering or Happiness
Facilitates Sensory Wisdom
e.g., Causality, Auto
Facilitates Remembering the Presence > Forgetting
Energizes the Mind > Dullness
Distinguish your sensory experience into the six senses
Hearing, Seeing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching, Minding
Does excessive effort cause tension, agitation, discomfort, misery? Or does it cause relief, relaxation, calm, pleasure, joy?
Does tuning into the out-breath facilitate or hinder the releasing of effort in body or mind?
Does releasing effort cause relief, relaxation, calm, pleasure, joy? Or does it cause tension, agitation, discomfort, misery?
Is the experience of vice strengthened or weakened by softening?
Is the experience of virtue strengthen or weaken by softening?
Disenchantment & Enchantment
Do you experience a preference or disfavour towards softness and virtue or non-softness and vice?
Does remembering the present moment, after having forgotten it, happen autonomously or is it something you intentionally do?
Does your breathing occur autonomously or something you intentionally do?
What experience does or does not occur autonomously?
Best Opportunity
Are there or are there no opportunities to improve upon?
Constructive & Excessive Effort
What effort is constructive in developing the foundational skills?
What effort is excessive in developing the foundational skills?
Daily Life
What is my current experience?
What caused the present situation?
What is the cause of the current discontentment or contentment?
What conditions can I increase or decrease to support improvement?
Playful > Serious
Flavors of lighthearted or wondering rather than rigid or assured, facilitate learning by opening up your mind and enjoyment
Simmering > Impatience
With curiosity established, allow the clarity to arise spontaneously.
Letting go of impatience or forcing to see clearly.
Curiosity increasingly integrates into your default way of being > Indifferent
Curiosity is enjoyable, humble > exhausting, preachy
Perceiving causality increasingly within your sensory experiences and the world around you
Attitude of applying conditions to facilitate causing improvement > believing one is in control and forced conditions to be a certain way